Hi pals, Mei-Ling here...
Surely I don't need to tell everyone that the lack of blog entrees is momma's fault. Puffy and I have had a talk with her and told her not only are our pals wondering what has happened to us (Hi Zoe), but we have been curious about what wonderful things and not so wonderful things (sending sincere condolences to Goose's family during this heartbreaking time). So here is what we have been up to:
The weather here in New Mexico has been full of surprises. We had some really nice sunny day, that made momma get outside and start her garden. Big mistake as mother nature threw in a couple of snow storms our way and all of the tomatoes died.
Here is our court yard that has snow all over it. It snowed so hard that our pretty Crab Apple tree got weighed down and bent all the way over so it touched the top of the tree ring - momma had to go outside and shake the snow off the limbs so it could stand up again.

This is how momma tried to protect some of the plants she had planted the day before (It had been a really nice, sunny week).
The onions didn't mind the snow, in fact, they thrived with the extra water.
Here is my furbrother Puffy out in the snow.
Of course, I couldn't forget to post one of my pretty pictures while I was in the snow.
This picture was taken the day before it snowed. We love our grass even though it is fake. The humans put it down right before it snowed so mud wouldn't be tracked into the house. They plan on installing it correctly this summer so it lays flat - BOL.
Yup, the fake grass needs to be fixed.
We now have a really nice swing that Puffy and I like to sit on. It took momma days to try to assemble it, finally daddy had to come and put it together.
On the cold, snowy days, my furbrother Puffy likes to stay cuddled up in bed.
Here I am modeling my new tutu dress. Aren't I cute?
Puffy doesn't like to play to much anymore because he is old and as momma puts it "falling apart", so guess what? They are looking for another Shih Tzu puppy so I can have my very own little pal to chase and play with.
Hugs and kisses,
Mei-Ling Star