Saturday, July 19, 2014

I can't leave comments on some Blogs 07/19/14

Hi pals, Puffy here,

I have been having issues leaving comments on some of my pals blogs.  I find the comment box and have momma type in what I want to say but when she clicks on the post button, the comments go away as does what she typed.  This has happened on my pal Misty's page and momma wanted to leave a comment about her momma's China pictures, and on Demon Flash Bandit's pages.  We don't know what is going on or how to correct this matter.  We have no problems posting on other Blogs.  Does this happen to others and if so, how is it corrected?


  1. OMD!! Puff ~ I don't know why you can't post comments. I so do want to hear what you are barking about.

    1. Momma tried and tried to leave a comment on your momma's china trip - she could type in the comments but when she clicks on the publish button the comments disappear leaving the comment box empty and the comments don't get posted. The same thing happens on Demon Flash Bandits blog. Momma posted this issue so that you and DFB wouldn't think we were not reading your blogs. We do, but just can't leave comments...Don't know why that is.

    2. I forgot to say, momma worked in a sewing factory in San Diego right after she got out of High school more than 40 years ago, and your momma's China pictures look just like it did back then.

  2. Crikey Puffy ..... gotta say what a good lookin' schnoz and tongue you got there, mate!! Both Mistykin's and Demon's bloggy things have a funny thing on them you have to decipher before you hit the publish button. I'm sure someone will tell you what to do as I'm not very clever in this department and don't know all the fancy terminology but I'm pretty sure that's why you can't comment on them. Maybe someone could tell Misty and Demon how to turn that thing off. I think it was Whitley that told me how to fix it but I'm not sure.

  3. Hi Puff! Keep on barkin!
    Like Charlie barked, they gots the "prove yur not a robot" thingy. Type yur comment an scroll down jus a bit to see the place to type the funny lookin letters or sumtimes there's numbers.

  4. HI PUFF.... We have heard about this problem with some blogs... I COULD be that DREADED .... Prove you are Not a Robot... thingy... everybuddy sort of dislikes those.. they take a lot of extra time to type in the numerals that are there... butt IF that is the way their blog is set.... they CAN change that in their SETTINGS... and turn the Prove thingys OFF... ACTUALLY your furends may not even KNOW that other peeps HAVE to Prove they are not Robots... So you might want to ASK them if they could Check their SETTINGS to see if they have the Prove your are not a Robot thingy Turned ON. And if so... they COULD turn it OFF.
    Yesterday we actually mentioned this to a couple of our Blogville furends...

  5. Hi, Puffy!
    I sure hope that is all the trouble is, that robot thingy...imagine a robot trying to make comments, BOL!

    Love your picture!

  6. Mom has had this problem but now it seems to be resolved! Love your picture!
