I Got nominated for a Liebster Award From my pal Mr. JackFreckles! What an honor Freckles - thank you very much.
There are some Rules:
1. Thank the person/fur who nominated you and link back and recognize their blog in your post.
2. Answer the 10 questions posted by the blogger who nominated you.
3. Nominate 10 bloggers for the award.
4. Create 10 questions for your nominees to answer.
Here are my questions for you to answer:
1. Have you ever gone counter surfing?
2. Have you ever found yourself in doggy jail?
3. What color are your eyes?
4. Do you play nice with your stuffies or do you destroy them?
5. When given a treat, do you eat it right away or save it for later?
6. And speaking of treats, do you accept them from anyone, or are you selective on who you take them from?
7. Aside from spay/neutering, have you ever had surgery for something major?
8. Do you help out in the kitchen when the meals are being prepared?
9. Do you get along with felines?
10. Have you ever gone potty in the human's car?
Here are the questions Freckles asked of me:
1. Whats your Nickname? Puffy, Puffarooie, Puff-Puff
2. Do you like your furblings if you have any? I adored my fursister Coco Rose but she crossed the Rainbow Bridge last month - sniff, sniff, wipes tears from his eyes.
3. What do you do when the phone rings? Nothing - No one ever calls me so why should I care?
4. Do you evfur howl? No.
5. Do you dream? Always, my little legs kick about and I make groaning noises.
6. Who is your fave unfur in your furmily, your Mom, your Dad, or an unfurbling?( or someone else?) I am practically attached to my momma's hip. Where she goes, I'm sure to follow.
7. Did you evfur get in trouble using your teeth? Yes, I tried to eat the UPS man and one of our neighbors - BOL, BOL.
8. Where is your fave place to go to visit? I'm happy to go anyplace as long as I get to ride in my pupmobile (stroller).
9. Are you allowed to run free anywhere? We have 5 acres an I was allowed to run free until momma spotted a coyote close to the house. Now I can only go outside with supervision. I am not leashed because I never leave our property.
10. Do you sleep curled up in a ball, or stretched out? Stretched out during the summer and curled up in a ball during the winter.
Now, here is where I am going to deviate from the rules. I do not have very many pals on Blogger so I am not going to nominate anyone to answer the 10 questions that I posted. I learned from being on Dogster that not everyone likes to play these types of question and answer posting so I will leave it to my pals to decide if they would like to answer my questions on their blog. If you answer the 10 questions then consider yourself nominated for the Liebster award - BOL, BOL